Global Africa

Global Africa

Research and materials addressing key issues for Africa's global presence.

The world is changing and evolving with previous behaviours and assumptions being broken by truly global challenges such as climate change and COVID-19. These issues know no borders and call for a sharing of knowledge and resources to find effective solutions. So where exactly is Africa’s place here, with its ever-growing youthful population, key natural resources, diverse geography and large landmass?

The Foundation is at the forefront of changing perceptions about the African continent in the global arena. The 2023 Forum Report Global Africa does just that, mapping Africa’s huge potential and assets in today’s world and shedding light on the key issues the continent is facing in order to take its rightful place.


2024 Forum Report

Financing Africa: where is the money?

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2023 Forum Report

Global Africa

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2019 Governance Report

Agendas 2063 & 2030: is Africa on track?

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2019 Forum Report

Africa’s youth: jobs or migration?

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Research briefs and papers

A coup is never a solution

Africa’s green & blue wealth

The continent's central role in a global low-carbon future

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Africa's critical minerals

Africa at the heart of a low-carbon future

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Western Africa’s recent coups

Russia-Ukraine Crisis

Impact on Africa

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Africa and Europe

Facts and Figures on COVID-19 Vaccination

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Africa and Europe

Facts and Figures on Climate and Energy

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Africa and Europe

Facts and Figures on African Migrations

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Data stories

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