About us
Strengthening the African voice on global challenges.

Our story
Founded in 2006 by Sudanese businessman Mo Ibrahim, the Mo Ibrahim Foundation is a non-grant making, African organisation set up to define, assess and enhance sound leadership and governance as key factors in enabling the continent’s future progress.
We believe that governance and leadership are critical to overcoming Africa’s key challenges and lie at the heart of any tangible and shared improvement in the quality of life of the continent’s citizens.

Our mission
The Mo Ibrahim Foundation is an African organisation providing an African voice on current global challenges.
The Foundation provides data and analysis to assess these challenges at the continental level, bringing together Africa’s stakeholders, including its youth, to discuss potential solutions, grounded in sound leadership and governance.
Our initiatives and programmes inform discussions, convene stakeholders, and foster Africa’s future leaders.

Do not take Africa for granted.Mo Ibrahim
Our work
To address Africa’s governance challenges, foster future leadership, and plot a path for the continent’s future progress, the Foundation works closely with leading organisations from Africa and beyond, bringing together stakeholders from across government, academia, policy-making, and civil society.

To help deliver the change necessary and overcome these challenges, the Foundation:
Informs discussions
Through data and analysis,the Foundation ensures that debates on Africa’s governance are informed by the most relevant, up-to-date research.
Convenes stakeholders
The Foundation brings together key stakeholders from across Africa and beyond to discuss the continent’s most pressing issues and deliver tangible, practical solutions.
Fosters Africa’s future leaders
The Foundation provides resources and support to Africa’s majority–its youth–to help foster the continent’s next generation of leaders and move the development agenda forward.
We do this through a number of initiatives and programmes, such as:
- Our research, including the annual Forum Report and the Ibrahim index of African Governance (IIAG)
- Events such as our annual Governance Weekends and online webinar series
- Fostering future leadership via Fellowships, Scholarships and our Now Generation Network
Our people
The Foundation’s team brings together a broad range of backgrounds and expertise on Africa affairs, from former heads of state to former heads of leading multilateral institutions. Our team are guided by the Foundation’s mission to promote sound leadership and governance to transform the lives of Africa’s citizens.
Find out more about our people below:

Our partners
The Foundation also works with a number of prominent organisations who share our values and goals and understand the value of governance and leadership in Africa. Details of partners can be found via the link below: