News & Media / Strengthening the Ibrahim Index of African Governance (IIAG)

Strengthening the Ibrahim Index of African Governance (IIAG)

18 September, 2019

Since its first iteration in 2007, the IIAG has helped to ensure that public governance is at the centre of Africa’s development agenda, with the conviction that it lies at the heart of any tangible, shared, and sustainable improvement in the quality of life of African citizens, providing a quantifiable tool to measure and monitor governance performance in African countries or in specific dimensions.

Dataset to be updated every two years; reports and additional resources continue to be published annually

As the evolving governance landscape underlines the need to both refine the IIAG, and further unpack and analyse the findings of the largest dataset on African governance, the Mo Ibrahim Foundation will release a new Index dataset with updated scores, ranks and trends every two years, while continuing to publish an annual IIAG Report, focussed on African governance trends and challenges. The next dataset update will be released in October 2020.

The changing governance landscape: refining the IIAG to address new challenges and include new data

Public governance has become a regular agenda item both at multilateral and continental level. It has also extended to new challenges for existing topics and new needs, such as access to quality healthcare and environmental sustainability, expanding the scope of governance.

In order to extend its scope to the new challenges, to include potential new available data and deepen the use of current data, the full Index dataset will be updated every two years with refinements and new data, providing with each iteration data and trends for the most recent decade.

Strengthening the use of our data

Between the biennial update of the IIAG dataset, the Foundation will publish additional data-driven research publications and tools to support Africa’s stakeholders with resources for evidence-based decision making and policy debates, alongside an annual comprehensive African Governance Report, based on the IIAG. Two analysis pieces (on Universal Health Coverage and Environmental Sustainability) have been published and are available to download below.

This year’s governance report will be released on 15 October 2019, and will focus on Governance and Africa’s implementation of AU’s Agenda 2063 and UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

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