Governance & Leadership in Africa

Governance & Leadership

Research and materials addressing key issues on governance & leadership from an African perspective.

The Common African Position (CAP) states that the Post-2015 Development Agenda formed by the UN should “enhance Member States’ ownership of development; generate the required political will to address the core issues; and respond to the emerging issues and gaps in implementation, particularly with regard to data collection and monitoring”. It also outlines six key pillars of Africa’s development priorities including economic growth, science, technology and innovation, people-centred development, environmental sustainability, peace and security, and financial security.

Effective governance & leadership within Africa is key to implementing these goals, but as there is such diverse economic, social, environmental & governmental situations within each state, progress can be difficult. The Foundation has produced a range of research and materials addressing key issues on governance & leadership from an African perspective. You can find our resources on this page.


2024 Forum Report

Financing Africa: where is the money?

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2022 Index Report

2018 Forum Report

Public service in Africa

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2017 Forum Report

Africa at a tipping point

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2013 Facts & Figures

Africa Ahead: The Next 50 Years

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Research briefs and papers

2024: Africa's 'Ultimate' Election Year

2024 : Un calendrier electoral chargé en Afrique

A coup is never a solution

Western Africa’s recent coups

Strength in numbers

Africa’s data revolution

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Data stories

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