News & Media / New report: The power of data for governance

New report: The power of data for governance

29 January, 2024

The Mo Ibrahim Foundation has launched in Accra, Ghana the 2023 IIAG Series Report, The power of data for governance: closing data gaps to accelerate Africa's transformation.

The report draws insights from the 2022 Ibrahim Index of African Governance (IIAG) dataset and highlights a positive correlation between access to high-quality statistics and effective governance across African countries from 2012 to 2021.

The report emphasises the significance of data for governance, identifies key data gaps that affect the measurement of governance and development in Africa, and proposes solutions to bridge these gaps, including investment in data. It features expert contributions and opinions from IIAG data sources and key partners.

Why this report is relevant:

Data is vital for Africa's governance and development agendas, and the report underscores its role in driving progress, assessing government performance, setting policy priorities, and ensuring trust in governments. to learn more, download the press release and report via the links below.

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