News & Media / New report: Africa's priorities for COP28

New report: Africa's priorities for COP28

22 November, 2023

The Mo Ibrahim Foundation has released a comprehensive report titled Africa on the road to COP28: reconciling climate & development. The report outlines three pivotal priorities for the African continent as it gears up for the 28th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28), scheduled to take place in Dubai from 30 November-12 December, 2023.

The report, introduced by a foreword from Mo Ibrahim, underscores the imperative for economic development as Africa's primary focus while navigating the complex interplay between climate change and growth.

Priorities unveiled

The report defines three key priorities crucial for Africa's sustainable future:

  1. Focus on adaptation: build resilience and climate-proof development – from ensuring food security through climate-resilient food systems to fast-tracking renewables and incorporating climate resilience into city infrastructure, this section provides a roadmap for climate resilience.
  2. Unlock the potential of Africa’s green assets: add value locally and focus on governance – the second priority calls for unlocking the potential of Africa's green assets by adding value locally and enhancing governance. This includes building green supply chains, responsible resource governance, and stressing the global responsibility of preserving Africa's forests.
  3. Break the debt-climate nexus and grow Africa’s domestic revenues – the third priority addresses the critical issue of the debt-climate nexus, offering strategies to break the cycle of structural debt challenges and boost revenues through initiatives like new Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) and a global carbon tax.

Spotlights illuminate critical areas

The report also features spotlights, bringing attention to critical areas such as accelerating investments in data, the role of local communities in leveraging green assets, and the importance of a global carbon tax to make polluters pay while boosting revenues and cutting global emissions.

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