In conversation with... Pascal Lamy
23 July, 2021
On 14 July, Foundation board member Pascal Lamy joined young African leaders from our Now Generation Network (NGN) for the sixth session in our In conversation with… series.
The conversation explored multilateralism in the post-COVID-19 world, what it means for Africa and how the continent can establish more equitable and constructive relationships with its international partners.
Vaccine inequity was at the core of the discussion. As highlighted in the 2021 Forum Report, a number of wealthier countries are hoarding vaccine doses and appear reluctant to share their surpluses with poorer countries.
COVID-19 has really forced us to take a step back and be confronted with the inequities - from production and distribution of the vaccine, to how we are failing around international humanitarian aid.
Fatou Wurie, Sierra Leone, NGN member
On vaccine access within Africa, it would be good to have some kind of cooperation within African countries so that there is a level of agreement on who does what. Where are the hubs in which vaccine manufacturing can be established based on the initial advantages that may be in place?
Ma Soukha Ba, Senegal, NGN member
Other key issues discussed include:
- The opportunity for Africa’s key multilateral institutions to collaborate on vaccine production.
- The challenge of international development cooperation in the 21st century given we have a 20th century multilateralism architecture.
- Why we need more diversified stakeholders, notably civil society, businesses and academic institutions, with a seat the table for discussions about international development.
This intergenerational conversation is part of the Foundation’s In conversation with… series which is connecting young Africans and the Foundation’s leadership, and focuses on issues that matter to the continent’s youth.
Watch the discussion: