News & Media / South Africa elections: five facts to know about youth, migration and jobs

South Africa elections: five facts to know about youth, migration and jobs

08 May, 2019

25 years ago, South Africa held its first democratic elections. Today, citizens from across the country head to the polls to cast their votes in the 2019 general elections.

South Africa has made governance progress, however, according to the World Bank, the country has the world’s highest levels of inequality.

As South African citizens make their voices heard today; we highlight some key statistics to consider about jobs, youth and migration in the country.

The Ibrahim Forum Report shows:

  • in South Africa, the second largest GDP on the continent, 55% of young people are jobless, amounting to 1.4 million South Africans between 15-24 years
  • South Africa receives the largest share of African migrants (6.1%)
  • the contribution of migrants to local GDP is estimated at 9% in South Africa
  • in Egypt, Ghana, Morocco, Nigeria and South Africa at least 75% of the youth think that their governments do not care about their needs
  • Ghana, Morocco and South Africa are the three African countries that receive the most foreign African students.

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