Louise Mushikiwabo elected Secretary-General of La Francophonie

26 October, 2018

Rwandan diplomat and Minister of Foreign Affairs Louise Mushikiwabo was confirmed on 12 October as the new Secretary-General of the Organisation Internationale de La Francophonie, the world community of French-speaking countries. She is the third African to take leadership of the organisation. Her predecessors were Abdou Diouf from Senegal (2003-2014) and Boutros Boutros-Ghali from Egypt (1998-2002).

Congratulations to my sister Minister Louise Mushikiwabo on being elected as the new Secretary-General. Louise’s focus on tackling youth unemployment and exchanging governance practices will indeed be addressing some pressing issues facing many African countries.

-Mo Ibrahim

Louise Mushikiwabo has been Rwanda's Minister of Foreign Affairs since 2009, and her candidacy was widely supported by the 32 African Francophonie member countries. The continent is expected to be home to over 50% of all French speakers by 2030, according to the institution.

Created in 1970, La Francophonie is a global community representing French-speaking countries and regions. Currently, it is formed of 88 member-states, of which 61 are full members, 27 are observers and 32 are African countries.

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