2018 IIAG: exploring the data online
31 October, 2018
The latest iteration of the Ibrahim Index of African Governance (IIAG) is now available. The Index Report and other key documents are available to download and you can discover the methodology behind the data as well as answers to frequently asked questions about the Index on our website.
Each year we also update our online Data Portal at iiag.online, in English and French, where you can explore all data to Indicator level. It's possible to compare 102 measures of public governance from 54 African countries, as well as viewing averaged data for groups of countries, such as regional or economic areas. You can discover scores, ranks and trends for all the data in the Index, viewing the results as a table, map or graph.
What's new at iiag.online
As well as updating the data each year, we are constantly adding new features to the portal to make it more useful and easier to find the data you're interested in.
This year we have made it easier to select all measures or all countries if you want a quick snapshot of the whole continent:
On table view, you can now sort the data by columns, meaning you can easily see the changes over the years in rankings for each measure. It's also possible to 'expand' the measure you are viewing in order to see the underlying data. You'll notice some cells are shaded red or green – this highlights the best/worst scoring year from that particular measure or location.
Don't forget you can change the date range if you wish, as well as view two different types of trend – absolute trend (increase/decrease in score in 10 or 5 years), and annual average trend, which produces the trend classifications.
Share your findings
One new feature we hope you will make use of is the ability to take a screenshot of the view created with a click of the mouse. The orange tab on the right side of the screen will capture the data you've selected and produce a download that you can share. Many more features are planned – do let us know what you'd like to see available via Twitter or Facebook.
We'd love to see what you discover using the online data portal. Please explore the data for yourselves, download the result and tag us in your social media posts using #IIAG!