News & Media / Statement on the use of internet and cellphone services in Africa

Statement on the use of internet and cellphone services in Africa

07 March, 2017

The Mo Ibrahim Foundation follows with attention the development of internet and mobile services on the African Continent. The significant progress in almost all countries in Africa facilitates access to knowledge and information as well as the improvement of business and financial processes. We welcome the development of social media which is strengthening citizens’ participation and dialogue on key issues facing their daily life.

Most countries in Africa are encouraging and supporting the above positive trends. However, the Foundation is concerned about the blockade of the internet and mobile phone services in some countries, as in Cameroon, which impacts the lives of their citizens, especially when the suspension is prolonged for a long time. Such blockades have potential devastating consequences for economy, education and health, and prevent citizens to access news and to engage socially. We hope that the government of Cameroon, and others will share our concern and facilitate the access of internet and mobile phone services to all its citizens.

Mo Ibrahim Foundation

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