News & Media / Statement on the passing of MIF Board member Sir Ketumile Masire

Statement on the passing of MIF Board member Sir Ketumile Masire

23 June, 2017

The Mo Ibrahim Foundation is deeply saddened by the passing of a brother and Board member, Sir Ketumile Quett Joni Masire and wishes to express its deepest condolences to the Masire family, the people of Botswana and Africa as a whole.

Serving as Botswana’s second President, Sir Ketumile Masire is credited with building the country’s modern economy. Under his leadership, Botswana became synonymous with good governance and transparency. It has demonstrated that natural resources can be a blessing, not a curse.

Mo Ibrahim:

Africa today lost a great statesman and role model. We at the Foundation will greatly miss his wise counsel, guidance, and his humour.

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