News & Media / B Team leaders speak out against bigotry, racism

B Team leaders speak out against bigotry, racism

16 August, 2017

The B Team leaders issued the following statement in response to last weekend’s unrest and tragic deaths in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA.

Hate, bigotry and racism have no place in our society. Each of our businesses is powered by contributions from women and men of all races, sexual orientations and faiths. We depend on this diversity to succeed – indeed, it’s what enables us to thrive in the global marketplace.

Merck CEO Ken Frazier, Intel CEO Brian Krzanich and Under Armour CEO Kevin Plank have taken principled stands, rejecting the hatred and bigotry on display last weekend in Virginia.

We stand by these executives, and all business leaders whose companies are driven by a higher purpose, which values diversity at all levels of business while ensuring equality of opportunity for all employees.
Richard Branson, Founder, Virgin Group and Co-Founder, The B Team
Paul Polman, CEO, Unilever
David Crane, Senior Operating Executive, Pegasus Capital Advisors
Bob Collymore, CEO, Safaricom Limited
Mats Granyrd, Director General, GSMA
Arianna Huffington, Founder and CEO, Thrive Global
Guilherme Leal, Co-Founder, Natura
Arif Naqvi, Founder and Group Chief Executive, The Abraaj Group
François-Henri Pinault, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Kering
Strive Masiyiwa, Founder and Chairman, Econet
Sharan Burrow, General Secretary, International Trade Union Confederation
Kathy Calvin, President and CEO, UN Foundation
Christiana Figueres, Convener, Mission 2020
Mo Ibrahim, Founder, Celtel
Yolanda Kakabadse, President, World Wildlife Fund International
Zhang Yue, Chairman and Founder, Broad Group China
Jochen Zeitz, Co-Founder and Executive Chair, The B Team

Read ‘The Diversity Paradox‘, The B Team’s report on how to build a holistic diversity strategy that captures the value of difference.
Read ‘Diversity, Bringing the Business Case to Life‘, The B Team’s report on the business case for diversity at work.

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