News & Media / Mo Ibrahim speaks on Why Governance Matters at University of Ghana

Mo Ibrahim speaks on Why Governance Matters at University of Ghana

20 November, 2015

Mo Ibrahim was guest speaker at the John A. Kufuor Foundation annual Global Development Lecture Series which took place in front of a packed hall at the University of Ghana, Legon.

Following introductory messages from Sir Sam Jonah and former President H.E. John Kufuor, Mo challenged his mainly student audience to be part of the governance journey and have this conversation with their leaders.

The stimulating evening concluded with questions from students. View tweets from the event at #gdls2015.

Selected quotes

Good governance lies at the heart of all successful organisations

We need leaders who care about the legacy they leave

-Sir Sam Jonah

Good governance is the biggest challenge our continent faces for the foreseeable future

-H.E. John A. Kufuor

Bad governance is not just an African disease

You can live without oil; you cannot live without food

The worst thing you can do it lose hope. We must make sure our young people have hope. Our future is in their hands.

-Mo Ibrahim

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