Mo Ibrahim, Donald Kaberuka and Abdoulie Janneh discuss the IIAG at MIF-AfDB event
29 May, 2013
The Mo Ibrahim Foundation and the African Development Bank co-hosted a high level event on African leadership and governance in Marrakech, as part of the AfDB’s annual meetings. The session looked at country and continental governance trends, drawing on evidence from the Ibrahim Index of African Governance (IIAG).
During the event, Mo Ibrahim stressed the importance of having, and owning, data:
How can you run a country without information? Then you are running a country blind… it’s time to claim ownership of our data to know where we are going and to make logical progress. It’s time to hold people accountable for the lack of regional integration.
Abdoulie Janneh, former UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of UNECA, and an Executive Director at the Mo Ibrahim Foundation, also highlighted the importance of the IIAG in measuring governance and driving key policy: "The Index is a tool to identify where to make improvements… transparently and effectively.”
Donald Kaberuka, President of the African Development Bank argued that three governance-related factors will help drive forward Africa’s future development: “We need governments that are clean; can deliver; and are accountable. These three things are what will deliver sustainability’’. He also highlighted the need for co-operation between the public and private sector to meet Africa’s needs.
During the closing remarks, Emmanuel Mbi, Vice President of the Africa Development Bank summarised that strong leadership and governance are crucial to the vision of a dynamic and competitive Africa. The joint discussions will help to inform and advance the work of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation and the African Development Bank.