2022 Ibrahim Forum

2022 Ibrahim Forum


The Ibrahim Governance Weekend (IGW) brings together leading voices from across Africa and beyond to discuss issues of critical importance to the continent’s progress.

Six months ahead of the COP27 summit hosted by Egypt and following the COP15 summit in Côte d'Ivoire, the 2022 Ibrahim Forum aimed to help inform and articulate Africa’s position in the global debate around climate change.

Discussions at the Ibrahim Forum were informed by new research from the Mo Ibrahim Foundation and perspectives from the Now Generation Forum, a convening of young African leaders.


2022 Forum highlights

The road to COP27: making Africa’s case in the climate debate

25-27 May

The Ibrahim Forum is a unique African conversation on the key issues facing the continent.

Informed by research from the Foundation and focussed on practical solutions, the Forum comprised three interactive panel discussions that were broadcast live to the world via mif.live/igw.

The 2022 Ibrahim Forum aimed to help inform and articulate Africa’s position in the global debate around climate change, six months ahead of the COP27 summit hosted by Egypt.

Day 1 highlights

Forum session 1

Focus: Africa’s vicious cycle: low resilience worsens, and is worsened by, climate change.

Forum session 2

Focus: The elephant in the room: what’s an acceptable trade-off between development and climate goals?

Forum session 3

Focus: Africa's assets are key for a global sustainable future.

Handover session

Focus: Africa’s Priorities for COP27.

2022 Facts & Figures

2022 Forum Report

The Road to COP27: Making Africa’s Case in the Global Climate Debate

Download file (PDF)

Key Recommendations for COP27

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