Economy in Africa


Research and materials addressing key issues on economy from an African perspective.

An ever-larger share of the population in Africa has access to digital devices, banking services and electricity. Governments have increased their statistical capacity and civil registration systems are timelier and more affordable. All of these contribute to strong economic foundations. However, huge challenges remain.

Africa has the lowest GDP per capita of any world region, more than one in ten young Africans are unemployed, and 600 million lack access to electricity. To address these challenges, governments need to improve their revenue mobilisation, invest in transport and energy infrastructure and lay the foundations for secure, well-paid jobs.

The Foundation has produced a range of research and materials addressing key issues on the African economy. You can find our resources on this page.


2024 Forum Report

Financing Africa: where is the money?

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2022 Index Report

2019 African Governance Report

Agendas 2063 & 2030: is Africa on track?

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2019 Forum Report

Africa’s youth: jobs or migration?

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2018 Forum Report

Public service in Africa

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2017 Forum Report

Africa at a tipping point

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2015 Facts & Figures

African urban dynamics

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2013 Facts & Figures

Africa Ahead: the next 50 years

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2012 Facts & Figures

African Youth: fulfilling the potential

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2011 Facts & Figures

African Agriculture: from meeting needs to creating wealth

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Research briefs and papers

Russia-Ukraine crisis

Impact on Africa

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Addressing Africa's energy deficit

Climate change, renewables, and gas

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Growth without emissions?

Is carbon needed for Africa's development goals & economic growth?

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Africa's critical minerals

Africa at the heart of a low-carbon future

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Africa’s green & blue wealth

The continent's central role in a global low-carbon future

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Data stories

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